Your roller blind solution that doesn’t need screws or brackets when fixing into your window surrounds.
Franklyn’s New MagicFix Roller Blind System has an innovative friction mechanism using tension that magically sticks to your window reveals. The roller blind top tube fittings have specially designed friction pads that when adjusted, stick firmly to the window reveals.
Product Overview
Product Overview: MagicFix Roller Blinds
As you can imagine windows are an integral and costly part of a building and these days more owners of commercial buildings are now insisting that NO FIXINGS (screws etc.) be used when installing blinds to their window frames or surrounds.
Franklyn MagicFix Roller Blinds are also perfect for windows where there are ceramic tiles, granite, marble or any other fragile material. It is ideal for rental properties, as the roller blinds can be installed and removed without causing damage to the window reveals, saving both tenant and landlord much grief.
MagicFix Blind Features & Benefits
• No screws or permanent fixings required.
• Fits in reveal as shallow as 60mm. The entire mechanism must be touching inside the reveal of the window.
• Block out fabrics or sunscreen fabrics available to suit residential or office décor.
• Remote controlled motorisation available, with optional smart phone technology allowing you to operate the blind at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world. Solar panel charging also available.
• Can be installed behind existing curtains or face-fitted blinds to provide the ultimate black-out for a child’s bedroom or shift worker.
• Manufactured to meet child safety laws.
• Approximately 25mm gap on each side of fabric.
• Reveal Fit only- cannot be face-fitted.
• Maximum width 2400mm.
• Maximum drop 2500m.
• Maximum weight 6kgNo.
• Innovative Design: MagicFix Roller Blinds are an ideal solution to installing blinds without fixings.
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Can A MagicFix Blind Be Installed Into Tiled Reveals?
Yes. Because MagicFix Blind is fitted using tension pads, not screws, the blind can be fitted to tile, metal or glass reveals, with no screws or permanent fixings being used.
What Are The Size Limitations For A MagicFix Blind?
Maximum width 2400mm. Maximum drop 2400mm.
What Fabrics Are Available For MagicFix Blinds?
MagicFix Blinds can be manufactured using any of Franklyn’s roller blind fabric range, including block out, sunscreen and light filter.
Can I Install A MagicFix Blind Myself?
Yes, however Franklyn pricing is inclusive of standard installation for all products, so why not leave the hard work to the professionals.